Wow, I had a weird feeling that if I mentioned my car like I did in my last post that something bad would happen to it. Well, sure enough on my way to clinical (which is suuuuuuper important that I get there on time because they are very strict crazy about time and could cost me to fail the class potentially) my car decided to break down!!
I guess a pulley broke off or something and my steering stopped working plus the car started to overheat. I was able to get my car to a bank and into the parking lot which was right off the freeway. I then called my dad first and luckily he left his cell on and answered at 6 in the morning! I was able to make it to clinical just in time.
Also, the best part is while I was away my dad took my car in and got it fixed!! I knew today was going to be good in spite of a stressful situation. I feel very blessed because my dad is amazing and I didn't have to deal with it and especially because it didn't cost me as much as I thought it would :)
Glad you got to clinical in time...our clinical instructors are super strict about being on time too!