Monday, November 1, 2010

Just a Thought

"I feel like I'm exisiting instead of living."

Found that on a postsecret card and just realized that's how I've been feeling lately too.  The problem is trying to get away from that feeling, but not knowing exactly how to either.  So discouraging and frustrating when you want to live, but others (including yourself) keep making you exist. 


  1. :)

    Just wondering, how come you have two blogger profiles?

  2. I think everyone goes through this at some point, but not everyone realizes it. I can't tell you how to get out of the "existing not living" funk because only you know what you need. For me, I needed to get out of my routine. Working two jobs made me feel like I was existing but not living because I was literally waking up, going to work, coming home to spend a few hours with Russ, went to bed, woke up and started all over again. I didn't feel like I was a part of anything worthwhile or fully experiencing newly married life.

    So now that I have more time I try to make a difference in other people's lives. AND more importantly in MY life, by doing things that interest me or make me feel good/productive.

    You will have to figure out what is making you feel like you're not living first before you can change things. If that makes sense, sorry. I feel like a rambling Yoda... you can always call me anytime if you want to do something or just talk/rant.

  3. Hey! I have a favor to ask of you. Could you e-mail me so I can have your e-mail address? Mine is
    Thanks. Love seeing what you are up to.

