Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I'm finally on spring break and the semester will be over in about a month. I feel like I'm in another funk!! I hate these. Usually something horrible will have to happen to snap me back out of it and that's not a good way to have to figure it out.

I just want to be done already! I'm passing all my classes fine, but I'm having trouble in clinical to the point that it's stressing me out and I want to quit. There always has to be that "something" each semester I have to deal with and "overcome." I'm sick of overcoming. I just want one peaceful semester before the next chapter.

I guess on a good note, I have been more social... but I'd rather be doing that than studying so I'm getting thrown off there too.

Now I feel like I'm just being random. Ok, good night.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Project

Just in case anyone was following my picture project, I moved it to another website because flickr makes you pay for it after a certain amount of pictures posted and then starts hiding them. And right now I can't afford that ... so here's the new link: Project 365

It doesn't show up as a slideshow like flickr did so if you want to see it as a slideshow you'll have to click the button in the top left side or you can just scroll to the bottom. I might still keep the flickr one updated, not sure. We'll see. Just want to keep the project going :)