Monday, January 26, 2009

Don't mind me

I have my first Micro lab quiz tomorrow and I'm not feeling it.

I'm feeling down and it's hard to get up for some reason.

I'm not used to that; it's annoying.

Things are changing in a good way, but for some reason I'm responding in the opposite way.

Keeping busy helps.

I think it's the rain clouds we've been having lately.. so pretty, but yet so... depressing.


  1. I know how you feel my dear. Hang in there. It's kinda cheesy, and actually really hard to do, but if you hold a smile on your face (even if it's fake) for 30 seconds straight it'll lift your mood a little. It doesn't fix everything, but it seems to give me that little tiny boost.
    ha ha.

    I just read over what I wrote and it's way cheesy!
    Just get some ice cream and go for it! Love ya!

  2. I'm with you. Which is why I feel like such a punk for complaining so often. But whenever you want to eat fried Oreo's and Twinkies I am down! Since Russ shift change I don't know what to do with myself on the weekends... LOL!! I hope you feel better...

  3. quit complaining. Hasn't your camera broke yet?

  4. Meghan, I Love you! we need to just find ourselves some GOOD men and all will be well. call me if you wanna talk... i wilol make time to talk to you. if you ever need to just hang out i am always down for that.
    let me know if you need anything.

